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发布者:李赛男  时间:2023-12-04 15:53:02  浏览:


说明: 李佳文-证件照-教师资格-大



名: 李佳文

称: 讲师


出生年月: 1991.09

所在学科: 交通运输管理


硕士导师: 硕士导师

Email jiawen-li@gdou.edu.cn





2021-至今 广东海洋大学 船舶与海运学院 讲师









1.         Jiawen Li, Ronghui Li, Shiwen Ni, Hung-Yu Kao. EPRD: Exploiting prior knowledge for evidence-providing automatic rumor detection. Neurocomputing(2023): 126935.

2.         Jiawen Li, Jiahua Sun, Xin Li, Yun Yang, Xin Jiang, Ronghui Li. LFLD-CLbased NET: A Curriculum-Learning-Based Deep Learning Network with Leap-Forward-Learning-Decay for Ship Detection[J]. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2023, 11(7): 1388.

3.         Jiawen Li, Yun Yang, Xin Li, Jiahua Sun, Ronghui Li. Knowledge-transfer-based bidirectional vessel monitoring system for remote and nearshore images[J]. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2023, 11(5): 1068.

4.         Qiong Jia, Ronghui Li, Jiawen Li, Zhuang Li, Jiaqi Liu. Vessel traffic scheduling optimization for passenger RoRo terminals with restricted harbor basin[J]. Ocean & Coastal Management, 2023, 246: 106904.

5.         Shiwen Ni, Jiawen Li, Min Yang, Hung-Yu Kao. DropAttack: A Random Dropped Weight Attack Adversarial Training for Natural Language Understanding[J]. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 2023.

6.         Wu, Jinshan, Jiawen, Li, Ronghui, Li, Xing, Xi, Dongxu, Gui, and Jianchuan, Yin. "A fast maritime target identification algorithm for offshore ship detection".Applied Sciences 12, no.10 (2022): 4938.(学生一作,申请人二作)

7.         Ding, Ying, Ronghui, Li, Haiqing, Shen, Jiawen, Li, and Liang, Cao. "A Novel Energy-Saving Route Planning Algorithm for Marine Vehicles".Applied Sciences 12, no.12 (2022): 5971.

8.         Wu, Jinshan, Ronghui, Li, Jiawen, Li, Meichang, Zou, and Zijian, Huang. "Cooperative unmanned surface vehicles and unmanned aerial vehicles platform as a tool for coastal monitoring activities".Ocean & Coastal Management 232 (2023): 106421.

9.         Li, Jiawen, Shiwen, Ni, and Hung-Yu, Kao. "Meet the truth: Leverage objective facts and subjective views for interpretable rumor detection".Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021, pages 705–715 (2021).

10.     Jiawen, Li, Yudianto, Sujana, and Hung-Yu, Kao. "Exploiting microblog conversation structures to detect rumors." . In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (pp. 5420–5429).2020.

11.     Sujana, Yudianto, Jiawen, Li, and Hung-Yu, Kao. "Rumor detection on Twitter using multiloss hierarchical BiLSTM with an attenuation factor." . In Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 10th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing.2020.

12.     Li, Jiawen, Shiwen, Ni, and Hung-Yu, Kao. "Birds of a feather rumor together? Exploring homogeneity and conversation structure in social media for rumor detection".IEEE Access 8 (2020): 212865–212875.

13.     Ni, Shiwen, Jiawen, Li, and Hung-Yu, Kao. "True or false: Does the deep learning model learn to detect rumors?." In 2021 International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI) (pp. 119–124).2021.



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